
Regent’s International School, Langsuan Campus, will be dedicated to Early Years and Year 1 (students aged 1 to 6), covering: Pre-nursery, Nursery, Reception and Year 1. The campus will follow the English Early Years Foundation State Curriculum (EYFS) and the English National Curriculum (ENC).
For the very young, the EYFS curriculum is divided into seven areas of learning: three prime areas (communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development), helping children develop skills and four specific areas: literacy, mathematics, expressive arts and design and understanding the world. Especially at this young age, children learn by playing and exploring, being active and expressing themselves both in indoor and outdoor activities.
Once students reach Year 1, the ENC covers English, Maths, Science, Computing, Art and Design, Design Technology, History, Geography, Personal social and health education, Music, PE, a modern foreign language.
Children will also learn Thai is all year groups.
After Year 1, pupils can pursue their studies at Regent’s Rama 9 campus until Year 13.
Toddler Playgroup at Langsuan