Admissions Process

The application process
You will need to complete our Application Form and pay an application Fee of 5,500THB. Please note, this is not a commitment on your part to accept a place, nor does it represent a formal offer from the school.
Your application can either be:
- Submitted on the day of your initial visit
- Returned by e-mail, with the Application Fee paid by bank transfer; or
- Submitted to the Admissions Office on the day of Assessment.
In order to complete the application, there are several additional documents, which we require from you before your son or daughter can be assessed:
- A photocopy of your child’s birth certificate or passport
- A copy of your (the parent’s) passports (first page only)
- 2 photos size 2 x 2 inch of your child
- 2 photos size 1 x 1 inch of you (parents)
- Copy of ID card (Thai nationals only)
- Copies of your child’s recent school reports
- Where applicable, a copy of any educational psychologist’s or medical reports that will help us to understand how best we can meet your son or daughter’s particular learning needs
- A photocopy of your House Registration (Thai nationals only)
The assessment
The Assessment takes place with school by appointment, although in some circumstances it may be possible for the assessment to be sat in a family’s country of residence where that is outside of Thailand. The Admissions team will be happy to advise you.
In most cases, the assessment is as follows:
- Early Years (Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception) will stay in the appropriate class/year level for approximately 1 – 2 hours as a trial session. This appointment includes a period of time in the classroom to ensure that your child is ready to start school – there is no formal testing. It is a requirement that your child is toilet trained and is no longer bottle or breast feeding to be considered for a place.
- Primary candidates (Y1 – Y6) will spend two days with appropriate class/year level from 8.00am – 2.30 pm for the assessment process. On these trial days, parents/guardian will leave their children with us for the whole period of time as a normal school day.
- Secondary candidates (Year 7+) will be tested in Mathematics, English and Non-Verbal Reasoning (also Science for Year 12 candidates). The candidates will have an interview with a Senior member of staff who shall provide direct feedback to parents. The whole process will take up to 4 hours.
- A Boarding Placement (Year 4+) the applicant will be interviewed by one of our Boarding team.
The offer of a place
We aim to send you written confirmation that we can offer your son\daughter a place at Regent’s within 72 hours of the assessment. No offer can be made without receiving all the required documents and the reference from his/her current school. In the case of a student applying to enter the IB Diploma course (Year 12), the offer of a place will be conditional on the student gaining appropriate grades in his or her public examinations. In the case of students who are sitting IGCSE examinations, this would be five or more IGCSEs at grades A* to C.
Acceptance and guarantee of a place
If you wish to accept the offer of a place at the school, we ask that you do so within two weeks of receiving the formal offer letter. Your child’s place will only be guaranteed if you have paid the non-refundable Enrolment Fee within two weeks of being offered a place. If you choose not to pay the Enrolment Fee and that Year Group becomes over-subscribed your child’s place may be offered to another pupil.
Tel: 02 957 5777 ext. 202, 222 or 0923628888
Line @regentsschoolbkk