Regent’s International School
Our Academic results
We understand that deciding on the future academic and career path is a complex choice. This is why our dedicated teachers and academic support counsellor offer our students information and advice. Regarding their possible future choices, based on their abilities and individual interests, as well as their desired career. It is crucial for students to make this decision based on adequate research and we encourage all pupils and parents to request this support to ensure they have full understanding of their choices and available options.
The Regent’s International School counselling service
enables students to make firm decisions about their future and helps them to gain admission into colleges and universities all over the world. Our counselling program guides and supports students throughout the university application process.
We nurture students to become socially aware, academically successful and life-confident global citizens. Pastoral and academic staff ensure that Regent’s is a community. Regent International School is the place where everyone gets the chance to become the best they can be. The success of Regent’s International School, Bangkok is reflected in the enhanced English National Curriculum, world-beating IGCSE and IB Diploma results. Investment in our excellent facilities and commitment to remain the “Home of well-rounded leaders of the future”.
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